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International Kimberlite Conference: Extended Abstracts
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Vol. 10 (2012): Vol 10: International Kimberlite Conference, Bangalore
Vol. 10 (2012): Vol 10: International Kimberlite Conference, Bangalore
ISBN 978-1-55195-421-9
Extended Abstracts
Diamond-bearing terrigenous rocks: key role in prediction and exploration of buried deposits
V.N. Ustinov
Sub-volcanic development of embryonic kimberlite pipes: evidence from the Lace and Voorspoed Group II kimberlites, South Africa
G.H. Howarth, E.M.W. Skinner
Contrasting peridotite xenolith suites from the Letseng kimberlites: inferences for the Lesotho mantle
J.B. Dawson, N.P. Lock
The alkaline minerals from the mantle xenoliths of kimberlite pipes of Yakutia
L.N. Pokhilenko, T.A. Alifirova
Diamond mining and sustainability at De Beers’ Canadian mines
J.A. Fowler, E. Biscaye, S.H.A. Metatawabin
Evaluation and valuation of alluvial diamond deposits
T.R. Marshall
Economic geology of Renard 3, Quebec, Canada: a diamondiferous, multi-phase pipe infilled with hypabyssal and tuffisitic kimberlite
C. Muntener, B.H. Scott-Smith
Petrology of lamproites from the Nuapada lamproite field, Bastar craton, India
N. Sahu, T.Patel Gupta, D.B.K. Khuntia, S.S. Thakur, S.K. Das
Formation features of the early-Hercynic alkaline-ultrabasic and basic volvanic complexes and diamondiferous criteria of the kimberlites from Zimny Bereg area (north-west of Archangelsk region, Russia)
V.V. Tretyachenko, A.V. Bovkun, K.V. Garanin, V.K. Garanin, N.G. Tretyachenko
A geological model of the Kao kimberlites, Lesotho, based on the petrography of limited samples
W.M.E. Skinner
Diamonds from Capiibary, Paraguay
C.B. Smith, G.P. Bulanova, J.L.B. Presser
MARID-type xenoliths in Proterozoic kimberlites from southern India: implications on mantle metasomatism
S.C. Patel, S. Ravi, S.S. Thakur
Diamond formation in the slab and mantle wedge: examples from the Slave craton
S. Aulbach, T. Stachel, L.M. Heaman, R.A. Creaser, H.M. Seitz, S.B. Shirey
Exploration and discovery of the Chidliak kimberlite province, Baffin Island, Nunavut: Canada’s newest diamond district
J. Pell, H. Grütter, H. Grenon, S. Dempsey, S. Neilson
Kmberlite from central Angola: a case study of exploration findings
H. Jelsma, U. Krishnan, S. Perritt, R. Preston, F. Winter, L. Lemotlo, G. van der Linde, R. Armstrong, D. Philips, S. Joy, J. Costa, M. Facatino, A. Posser, M. Kumar, C. Wallace, I. Chinn, A. Henning
Metasomatism in cratonic mantle root: insight from geochemistry of deformed peridotite xenoliths of Udachnaya pipe
A.M. Agashev, D. Ionov, N.P. Pokhilenko, A.V. Golovin, E.A. Surgutanova, I.S. Sharygin
Lamproites from the eastern margin of the Bhandara craton, Orissa, India: an exploration case study
K.V. Suryanarayana Rao, C. Kumar, A. Kumar, V. Nandish, R.T. Swamy
Peridotitic mantle section beneath V.Grib kimberlite pipe (Arkhangelsk region, Russia): mineralogical composition, P-T conditions, metasomatism
E.V. Shchukina, N.G. Malkovets, N.N. Golovin, N.P. Pokhilenko
Large igneous provinces and kimberlites? Origin of the diamondiferous amon kimberlites, Baffin Island, Arctic Canada
S. Tappe, G.M. Nowell, S. Kurszlaukis, B.A. Kjarsgaard
Petrological inferences for the role of exsolution in upper mantle: evidence from the Yakutian kimberlite xenoliths
T.A. Alifirova, L.N. Pokhilenko, V.G. Malkovets, W.L. Griffin
Typomorphic features of groundmass minerals from diamondiferous kimberlites of Yakutia
D.A. Yakovlev, S.I. Kostrovitsky, L.F. Suvorova
FTIR microscope analysis of diamond and indicator minerals as a new tool in prospecting for diamond deposits
G.K. Khachatryan, F.V. Kaminsky, N.E. Anashkina
Properties of diamonds in xenoliths from kimberlites of Yakutia: implication to their origin and exploration
Z.V. Spetsius, O.E. Kovalchuck, I.N. Bogush
Physical and infrared characteristics of diamonds from behradih kimberlite, Bastar craton, India
D. Mainkar, T. Gupta, S.C. Patel, B. Lehmann, P. Diwan, F.V. Kaminsky, G.K. Khachatryan
Kimberlite indicator minerals in terrigene sediments of lower part of Mackenzie River Basin, NWT, Canada: evidence of new craton with thick lithosphere
N.P. Pokhilenko, V.P. Afanasiev, J.A. McDonald, M.A. Vavilov, S.S. Kuligin, N.L. Pokhilenko, A.V. Golovin, A.M. Agashev
40Ar/39Ar dating of phlogopite of mantle xenoliths from kimberlite pipes of Yakutia: evidence for deep ancient metasomatism of the Siberian platform
L.N. Pokhilenko, T.A. Alifirova, D.S. Yudin
A multidisciplinary approach to the Attawapiskat kimberlite field, Canada: accelerating the discovery to production pipeline
N. Januszczak, M.H. Seller, S. Kurszlaukis, C. Murphy, J. Delgaty, S. Tappe, K. Ali, J. Zhu, P. Ellemers
Pyrope garnet from the El Kseibat area, Algeria and lithosphere beneath the north-eastern part of the west African craton
M. Kahoui, F.V. Kaminsky, W.L. Griffin, E. Belousova, Y. Mahdjoub, M. Chabane
Nd-Hf isotope systematics of megacrysts from the Mbuji-Mayi kimberlites, D.R.Congo: implications for the composition of the cratonic lithospheric mantle
M. Pivin, V. Debaille, N. Mattielli, D. Demaiffe
Diamonds structural characteristics from different petrochemical types of kimberlites
G.Y. Kriulina, E.A. Vasiliev, V.K. Garanin, K.V. Garanin
The carbonatitic character of kimberlite magma
M.V. Patterson, D. Francis
The way of the diamond placers of south-western Africa came into being
A.M. Lyukhin
Multiple growth events, processes and fluid sources involved in the growth of diamonds from Finsch mine, RSA: a micro-analytical study
M. Palot, D.G. Pearson, R. Stern, T. Stachel, J.W. Harris
Groundmass microcrystalline oxides from the Marsfontein pipe (Republic of South Africa), Catoca, Camachia and others Angolan kimberlite pipes
V.K. Garanin, S.M. Anashkin, A.V. Bovkun, H. Jelsma, I.I. Shmakov, K.V. Garanin
Constraints on composition of possible diamondbearing lithosphere as sampled by the Victor kimberlite
K.V. Smit, T. Stachel, M. Seller
Kimberlite indicator minerals and “laterite”, Canadian arctic
R. Davies, A.W. Davies
Trace element and isotope geochemistry of perovskite from kimberlites of southern Africa
C. Sarkar, C.D. Storey, C.J. Hawkesworth, R.S.J. Sparks
Application of Fe K-edge XANES determinations of Fe3+/ΣFe in garnet to peridotite xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite
G.M. Yaxley, A.J. Berry, V.S. Kamenetsky, A.B. Woodland, D. Paterson, M.D. de Jonge, D.L. Howard
Tectonic relationships between cratonic and ultra-high pressure (UHP) diamond – implications for craton formation and stabilization
H.H. Helmstaedt
Exploration and geology of the Qilalugaq kimberlites, Rae isthmus, Nunavut, Canada
B.G. Kupsch, J.P. Armstrong
Phase relations of eclogite + 4.4% CO2 at 9-21 GPa: implications for diamond formation in the deep mantle
E.S. Kiseeva, K.D. Litasov, G.M. Yaxley, E. Ohtani, V.S. Kamenetsky
The "exceptionally fresh" Udachanaya-east kimberlite: evidence for brine and evaporite contamination
S.I. Kostrovitsky, M.G. Kopylova, K.N. Egorov, D.A. Yakovlev, T.V. Kalashnikova, G.P. Sandimirova
Fluid and magma transfer in subcontinental lithospheric mantle of the Siberian craton and its geochemical evolution
L.V. Solov’eva, S.I. Kostrovitsky, T.A. Yasnygina
High-Mg carbonatitic HDFS, kimberlites and the SCLM
Y. Weiss, W.L. Griffin, D.R. Bell, O. Navon
Isotope heterogeneity from oxygen in rocks of lithosphere mantle
S.I. Kostrovitsky, M.A. Gornova, L.V. Solovyeva, D.A. Yakovlev
The age and origin of the Limpopo (South Africa) subcontinental lithospheric mantle
Q.H.A. van der Meer, K. Mlaver, L. Reisberg, G.R. Davies
Can be parental kimberlite melts alkali-carbonate liquids: results investigations composition melt inclusions in mantle xenoliths from kimberlites
A.V. Golovin, I.S. Sharygin, A.V. Korsakov, N.P. Pokhilenko
Oxygen isotope studies of serpentine in kimberlite
R.G. Mitchell
Mineralogy of magmaclasts and interclast matrices of kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlites from the Kao, Letseng-la-Terae, Lethlakane and Premier kimberlite pipes in southern Africa
R.H. Mitchell, B.H. Scott Smith, E.M.W. Skinner
Mantle-derived morphologies of diamond: records of diamond-destroying mantle metasomatism
Z. Zhang, Y. Fedortchouk
“Shells” (imprints) of diamond in kimberlite
V.L. Skvortsova, V.A. Petrovsky, G.Y. Kriulina
Origin of diamonds from the Dachine ultramafic, French Guyana
C.B. Smith, G.P. Bulanova, M.J. Walter, S.C. Kohn, S. Mikhail, L. Gobbo
Geology and volcanology of the A418 kimberlite pipe, NWT, Canada
L.A. Porritt, J.K. Russell, H. McLean, G. Fomradas, D. Eichenberg
The contrast in trace element chemistry and volatile composition between fluid inclusions in fibrous and octahedral diamonds
E.M. Smith, M.G. Kopylova, G.M. Nowell, D.G. Pearson, J. Ryder, V.P. Afanasiev
U-Pb geochronology of perovskite and zircon from the Chigicherla kimberlites, Anantapur district, India
H.S. Grütter, A. Gerdes, L. Marko, L.M. Heaman
New 40Ar/39Ar ages for the West Kimberley lamproites and implications for Australian plate geodynamics
D. Phillips, W. Clarke, A.L. Jaques
40Ar/39Ar analyses of kelyphite: a new approach for dating kimberlites and related rocks
D. Phillips, A. Giuliani, H. Jelsma, S. Joy
Alkali-carbonate fluids in the lithospheric mantle
A. Giuliani, V.S. Kamenetsky, D. Phillips, B.A. Wyatt, G. Hutchinson
Quality control procedures applied to routine electron probe analyses of kimberlite indicator minerals
D. de Bruin, P. Gräser
Melting phase relations in the systems peridotite-H2O-CO2 and eclogite-H2O-CO2 at pressures up to 27 GPa
K.D. Litasov, A. Shatskiy, E. Ohtani, N.P. Pokhilenko
Melting of peridotite and eclogite coexisting with reduced C-O-H fluid at 3-16 GPa: further constraints for redox melting models
K.D. Litasov, A. Shatskiy, E. Ohtani
Halogen and Ar geochemistry of metasomatic mantle xenoliths from the Bultfontein pipe (Kimberley district, South Africa)
A. Guiliani, M.A. Kendrick, D. Philips
Carbonated eclogite at 3.5-5.5 GPa – the effect of the capsule material on solidus temperatures
E.S. Kiseeva, G.M. Yaxley, V.S. Kamenetsky
Benfontein-02 kimberlite, Free State Province, South Africa
S. Mabolani, R.G. Cawthorn, W.U. Reimold
Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd geochronology and geothermobarometry of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Gibeon kimberlite field, Namibia
T. Luchs, G.P. Brey, A. Gerdes, H.E. Hoefer
FTIR features in Argyle, Diavik and Murowa diamonds
J. Chapman, K. De Corte, J. Van Royen, B. Willems
Type IIa diamonds and their enhanced economic significance
J.J. Gurney, H.H. Helmstaedt
The origin and evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Makondi fold belt in Botswana; a comprehensive geochemical study of peridotite xenoliths from the Letlhakane diamond mine
A.M. Borst, B. Davidheiser, T.J. Meulemans, G.R. Davies
Peculiarities of composition of coarse peridotite xenoliths of some kimberlite pipes from Sourth Africa
E.V. Malygina, N.P. Pokhilenko
Rutile and titanite as the minerals for dating kimberlite emplacement age: an example of Amakinskaya and Taezhnaya pipes of Mirny field, Siberia
A.M. Agashev, Y. Orihashi, A.Y. Rotman, N.P. Pokhilenko, I.V. Serov, A.V. Tolstov
Segregation rate and transport mechanism of volatile-bearing melt in the deep mantle
A. Shatskiy, K.D. Litasov, E. Ohtani
Melting phase relations of chlorine-bearing kimberlite at 2.1-6.5 GPa and 900-1500°C
I.S. Sharygin, K.D. Litasov, A. Shatskiy, A.V. Golovin, E. Ohtani, N.P. Pokhilenko
Diagram Ta-Sc – the universal discrimination diagram for geochemical classification of the kimberlitic rocks
S.M. Sablukov
Olivine chemistry of exceptionally young (Holocene) kimberlite of the Igwisi Hills volcano, Tanzania
I. Buisman, R.S.J. Sparks, R.J. Brown, S. Manya, J. Kavanagh, M.J. Walter
New data on the structure of the cubic habit diamonds from the M.V. Lomonosov diamonds deposit (Archangelsk diamondiferous province, Russia)
G.Y. Kriulina, V.O. Kyazimov, E.A. Vasiliev, O.P. Matveeva
Lemphane kimberlite diamond project: petrology update
H.E. O'Brien, R.G. Spencer
Chemical and textural characterisation of non-kimberlitic chromian spinel populations from diamond exploration programmes
A.I. Macdonald, S. Napier
Tthe petrology of AK6, Botswana: implications of volcanic and igneous processes
R.C. Ogilvie-Harris, M. Field, R.A. Brooker, M.J. Walter, R.S.J. Sparks
Zone of anomalous mantle
R. Davies, A.W. Davies
Banded alkremite xenoliths from Nyurbinskaya kimberlite pipes (Nakyn field, Yakutia)
S.M. Sablukov, L.I. Sablukova, Yu.B. Stegnitsky, M.A. Karpenko
Fluid microinclusions in monocrystalline diamonds
Y. Weiss, I. Kiflawi, W.L. Griffin, O. Navon
Green garnets of the “wehrlite” mantle xenoliths from kimberlites: their composition and origin (Newlands dike, South Africa; Nyurbinskaya pipe, Nakyn field, Yakutia)
L.I. Sablukova, S.M. Sablukov, Yu.B. Stegnitsky, M.A. Karpenko
Role of sediment derived carbonatitic melts in orgin of high-K mantle domains
A. Golubkova, M.W. Schmidt
Grospydite xenoliths from Grib pipe kimberlites (Arkhangelsk province, Russia)
L.I. Sablukova, S.M. Sablukov, E.M. Verichev, A.V. Antonov
Polyphase hydrocarbon inclusions in garnet from the Mir pipe (Yakutia, Russia)
A.V. Bovkun, A.Y. Biller, V.L. Skvortsova, V.K. Garanin
The role of redox equilibria during carbon transfer in the mantle and the stability of carbides in the mantle
M.W. Schmidt, A. Rohrbach, C. Gao, J.A.D. Connolly
Sutures in the early Precambrian crust as a factor responsible for localization of diamondiferous kimberlites in the northern East European platform
A.V. Samsonov, V.V. Tretyachenko, A.A. Nosova, Yu.O. Larionova, E.N. Lepekhina, A.N. Larionov, I.S. Ipatieva
Polycrystalline fibrous diamonds from the Diavik diamond mine, Canada
L. Hunt, T. Stachel, D.G. Pearson, R. Stern, K. Muehlenbachs, H. Mclean, V. Marcheggiani-Croden
Kimberlite ascent by assimilation-fueled buoyancy
J.K. Russell, L.A. Porritt, Y. Lavallée, D. Dingwell
Diamond-forming efficiency of chloridesilicate-carbonate melts: the role of chlorides
A.V. Bobrov, Yu.A. Litvin, L.S. Ismailova
Exsolution textures in majoritic garnets from the Mir kimberlite pipe (Yakutia, Russia)
E.A. Sirotkina, A.V. Bobrov, V.K. Garanin, A.V. Bovkun, B.B. Shkurskii, D.V. Korost
Metal films on the face and in the body of diamond crystals from diamondiferous provinces Russian and the world
G.Yu. Kriulina, A.B. Makeyev
Kimberlite-derived harzbugitic diamonds from a >2.7 Ga southern Superior protocraton
M.G. Kopylova, C. Miller, V.P. Afanasiev, L. Bruce, P. Thurston, J. Ryder
The evolution of kimberlite indicator mineral interpretation on the Chidliak project, Baffin Island, Nunavut
S. Neilson, H. Grütter, J. Pell, H. Grenon
Kimberlite ascent: chronicles of olivine
R.C. Brett, J.K. Russell, G. Andrews
Searching for new diamond deposits in western Liberia
D.B. Dyakonov, V.K. Garanin, K.V. Garanin, E.B. Bushueva, M.A. Enalieva, E.S. Vvedensky
The Victor diamond mine, northern Ontario, Canada: successful mining of a reliable resource
B.D. Wood, B. Rameseder, B.H. Scott Smith
Kimberlites of the Coronation Gulf field, northern Slave craton, Nunavut Canada
J.P. Armstrong, C.E. Fitzgerald, B.A. Kjarsgaard, L. Heaman, S. Tappe
Djerfisherite in kimberlite-hosted mantle xenoliths: textural features, composition and origin
I.S. Sharygin, A.V. Golovin, N.P. Pokhilenko
Late metasomatic addition of garnet to the SCLM: Os-isotope evidence
V.G. Malkovets, W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson, D.I. Rezvukhin, S.Y. O'Reilly, N.P. Pokhilenko, V.K. Garanin, Z.V. Spetsius, K.D. Litasov
“Tables” vs. “benches”: trace elements in fibrous diamonds
O. Navon, W.L. Griffin, Y. Weiss
The IR absorption spectrum of water in microinclusions-bearing diamonds
Y. Weiss, I. Kiflawi, O. Navon
Geochemistry and microstructure of diamondites
E.V. Rubanov, W.L. Griffin, S. Piazolo, S.Y. O'Reilly, T. Stachel, R. Stern, A.C. Birnie
Mapping of mineral phases around diamonds in eclogite xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe (Yakutia): remarks to their metasomatic genesis
Z.V. Spetsius, V.S. Kamenetsky
Mineral chemistry of the peridotites from the Naga ophiolite belt, northeastern India and their petrological significance
B. Maibam
Diamond exploration and prospectivity of the northern territory of Australia
M.T. Hutchison
Multi-phase, sub-micrometer silicate, sulfide & fluid inclusions in diamonds: expressions of metasomatism evidenced in peridotites and eclogites
A.M. Logvinova, R. Wirth, N.V. Sobolev, L.A. Taylor
Age constraints on ultra-deep mantle petrology shown by Juina diamonds
M.T. Hutchison, C.W. Dale, G.M. Nowell, F.A. Laiginhas, D.G. Pearson
Element diffusion in composite xenoliths from alkaline basalts (West Sangilen, Russia)
A.A. Gibsher, V.G. Malkovets, D.V. Kuzmin, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O'Reilly
Diamonds from Juina, Brazil, track the evolution of a Mesozoic subducted slab
B. Harte, S. Richardson
Mineral associations in diamonds from the lowermost upper mantle and uppermost lower mantle
B. Harte, S. Richardson
Geochemistry and geochronology of Tanzanian kimberlites
R. Chesler, J. Hergt, J. Woodhead, D. Phillips
Diamond survival in kimberlite magma: the importance of fluid
Y. Fedortchouk, L. Hilchie, E. McIsaac
U-Pb geochronology, Sr- and Nd-isotope compositions of groundmass perovskite from the Chidliak and Qilaq kimberlites, Baffin Island, Nunavut
L.M. Heaman, H.D. Grütter, J. Pell, P. Holmes, H. Grenon
Heterogeneous mantle beneath the Lunda area in Angola: Nd isotopic evidence
S.E. Robles-Cruz, S. Galía, M. Escayola, J.C. Melgarejo
Fe-rich ilmenite and kimberlite melt interaction, experimental researches
E.I. Nikolenko, V.P. Afanasiev, A.I. Chepurov
Juina-5 kimberlite (Brazil): a source of unique lower mantle diamonds
D.P. Araújo, G.P. Bulanova, M.J. Walter, S.C. Kohn, C.B. Smith, J.C. Gaspar, J. Wang
Sodium majorite and its pyrope solid solutions: high pressure experiment and crystal-chemical implications
A.M. Dymshits, L. Bindi, A.V. Bobrov, K.D. Litasov, A.F. Shatskiy, E. Ohtani, Yu.A. Litvin
Re-Os isotope constraints on the ages of diamonds from Mwadui, Tanzania
D.F. Wiggers de Vries, J.W. Harris, D.G. Pearson, G.R. Davies
Multi-stage metasomatism of a Roberts Victor eclogite linked to the formation and destruction of diamond
A.J.V. Riches, D.G. Pearson, R.A. Stern, R.B. Ickert, B.A. Kjarsgaard, S.E. Jackson, A. Ishikawa
Metasomatism of a Roberts Victor eclogite linked to the formation and destruction of diamond
A.J.V. Riches, D.G. Pearson, R.A. Stern, R.B. Ickert, S.E. Jackson, A. Ishikawa, B.A. Kjarsgaard
Occurrence of garnets with eclogitic and lherzolitic compositions in garnet lherzolite xenolith from the Canastra-01 kimberlite, Brazil
M.M. Dalla Costa, R.V. Santos, D.P. Araújo, J.C. Gaspar
Sulfide inclusion Re-Os ages and carbon, nitrogen of diamonds from the Murowa kimberlites: implications for Zimbabwe craton evolution
E. Gaillu, S.B. Shrey, G.P. Bulanova, B. Marks, C.B. Smith, J. Wang, S.C. Kohn, M.J. Walter
Diamonds from Sese and Murowa kimberlites (Zimbabwe) – evidence of extreme peridotitic lithosphere depletion and Ti-REE metasomatism
G.P. Bulanova, A. Marks, C.B. Smith, S.C. Kohn, M.J. Walter, E. Gaillou, S.B. Shirey, R. Trautman, B.J. Griffin
Evidence from inclusions in diamonds for 3 Ga onset of the supercontinent cycle: implications for geodynamics and diamond formation
S.B. Shirey, S.H. Richardson
Utilization of olivine macrocryst grain size and abundance data as a proxy for diamond size and grade in pyroclastic deposits of the Orion South kimberlite, Fort à la Corne, Saskatchewan, Canada
S. Harvey, G. Read, B. DesGagnes, M. Shimell, J. Danoczi, B. van Breugel, L. Fourie, A. Stilling
Exploration for concealed kimberlites in Botswana with trace element soil geochemistry
L.R.M. Daniels, D. de Bruin, J.C. Smuts
Mineral chemistry of mantle xenoliths from kamafugite diatremes in the Goias alkaline province, Brazil
C.V. Kafino, J.A. Brod, T.C.J. Brod, N.M. Freitas
Kimberlite terminology and classification
B.H. Scott Smith, T.E. Nowicki, J.K. Russell, K.J. Webb, R.H. Mitchell, C.M. Hetmane, M. Harder, E.M.W. Skinner, J.V. Robey
Refertilisation grade estimation of lithosphere roots by the chemical composition of garnets from Siberian kimberlites
N.S. Tychkov, A.M. Agashev, N.P. Pokhilenko
Internal structure and color of the natural plastically deformed diamonds from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe (Yakutia)
E.N. Fedorova, A.M. Logvinova, R.I. Mashkovtsev, N.V. Sobolev
Phoscorites from the Salitre alkaline complex, Brazil: origin and petrogenetic implications
E.S.R. Barbosa, J.A. Brod, T.C. Junqueira-Brod, P.F.O. Cordeiro, R.V. Santos, E.L. Dantas
An updated geological model of the Misery kimberlite complex, Ekati mine, Northwest Territories, Canada
K.J. Webb, C.M. Hetman, T.E. Nowicki, S. Harrison, J. Carlson, S. Parson, J.L. Paul
Experimental study of the role of water in the uppermost mantle
A. Rosenthal, D.H. Green, I. Kovács, W.O. Hibberson, G.M. Yaxley, F. Brink
Mantle structure beneath Udachnaya pipe reconstructed by fresh mantle xenoliths from brown breccia
I.V. Ashchepkov, T. Ntaflos, L.N. Pokhilenko, D.A. Ionov, N.V. Vladykin, S.S. Kuligin, S.I. Mityukhin, S.V. Palessky
Mantle lithosphere beneath Wyoming based on Sloan and Kelsey lake – I kimberlite xenocrysts
I.V. Ashchepkov, H. Downes, R. Mitchell, N.V. Vladykin, S.V. Palessky
Oxide mineral inclusions in pyropes from the Internationalnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia
D.I. Rezvukhin, V.G. Malkovets, A.A. Gibsher, D.V. Kuzmin, W.L. Griffin, N.P. Pokhilenko, S.Y. O'Reilly
Geology and evaluation of the K2 kimberlite, Koidu mine, Sierra Leone, West Africa
M. Harder, T.E. Nowicki, C.M. Hetman, L. Freeman, B. Abedu
Jericho eclogite formation revealed by diamond inclusions: oceanic origin without crustal signature?
K.A. Smart, T. Chacko, T. Stachel, S. Tappe, K. Muehlenbachs, R.B. Ickert, R.A. Stern
Eclogitic and peridotitic diamond formation (Kimberley Pool kimberlites, South Africa) as evidenced from C-, N- stable isotope: a main mantle-derived source
P. Cartigny, J.W. Harris
Crystallographic relationships between diamond and its olivine inclusions
F. Nestola, P. Nimis, J.W. Harris
The Brazilian kimberlite-kamafugite association: a new and improved geochronological and geochemical investigation
M. Felgate, D. Phillips, J. Hergt, J. Woodhead
The effect of metamorphic annealing and beta-irradiation on optical properties of Type IaA diamonds
A.P. Yelisseyev, V.P. Afanasiev, M.G. Kopylova, T.A. Bulbak
Factors controlling the internal facies architecture of kimberlite pipes
S. Kurszlaukis, A. Fulop
Physical volcanology, geomorphology, and cosmogenic 3He dating of the youngest kimberlite volcanoes on Earth (the Holocene Igwisi Hills volcanoes, Tanzania)
R.J. Brown, S. Manya, I. Buisman, R.S.J. Sparks, M. Field, F.M. Stuart, G. Fontana
Geology and evaluation of kimberlite dykes at Koidu, Sierra Leone
S. Moss, T. Nowicki, C. Hetman, L. Freeman, B. Abedu
How structure and stress influence the location of kimberlite
W. Barnett, H. Jelsma, M. Watkeys, L. Freeman
Kimberlite pipe models: significance for exploration
B.A. Kjarsgaard
Origin and evolution of cratonic roots
D.G. Pearson, K.A. Mather, A. Ishikawa, B.A. Kjarsgaard
Application of weak leaches in kimberlite exploration
H.A.F. de Souza, M.A.F. Fedikow, J. Ryder, N. Turner, M. Halliday
Geology of the K1 and K2 kimberlite pipes at Murowa, Zimbabwe
S. Moss, K. Webb, C. Hetman, A. Manyumbu, C. Muchechetere
Petrogenesis and geochemical signatures of olivine pyroxenite xenoliths from Ivory Coast diamondiferous Cretaceous kimberlites (West-Africa craton)
M.E. Allialy, J.M. Batumike, S.C. Djro, Y. Coulibaly, A.N. Kouamelan, Y.B. Daouda
Diamonds from the São Francisco and Amazon cratons, Brazil
D.P. Araújo, F.V. Silveira, R.K. Weska, F. Rachid, F.E.B. Neto, T. Ireland, P. Holden, I. Gobbo
The kimberlite Juina-5, Brazil: textural features and xenocryst chemistry
D.P. Araújo, R.K. Weska, R.S. Correa, L.V. Valadão, N.T. Kuberek, L. Gobbo
Mineral chemistry of garnets and ilmenites of the Pepper-1 and Cosmos-3 intrusions, Espigão d’oeste, Rondônia, Brazil
R.K. Weska, J.A. Brod, E.L. Dantas, D.P. Araújo
Abrasion of diamond: an experimental study and field evidence
V.P. Afanasiev, N.P. Pokhilenko
U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic systems in zircons from some kimberlites of the Siberian platform and from Ebeliakh alluvial deposit: age and geochemic peculiarities of the source rocks
K.I. Lokhov, L.I. Lukyanova, E.N. Lepekhina, I.N. Kapitonov, S.P. Shokalsky, S.S. Shevchenko, A.V. Antonov, S.A. Sergeev
Emplacement of the Snap Lake kimberlite intrusion, NW Territories, Arctic Canada
T.M. Gernon, R.C. Ogilvie Harris, R.S.J. Sparks, M. Field
U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic systems in zircons and Hf-Nd isotopic systematization of the Kimozero kimberlites (Karelia)
K.I. Lokhov, E.N. Lepekhina, I.N. Kapitonov, Yu.S. Polekhovsky, E.S. Bogomolov, S.A. Sergeev
Cr-diopside and Cr-pyrope xenocryst thermobarometry revisited: applications to lithosphere studies and diamond exploration
B.A. Kjarsgaard, K. Mather, D.G. Pearson, S. Jackson, D. Crabtree, S. Creighton
Combined trace element Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf-and Re-Os studies constrain the age, origin and the development of the Kaapvaal subcratonic mantle
G.P. Brey, T. Luchs, Q. Shu, M. Lazarov, H. Becker
The geology and geochemistry of the Wadagera kimberlite and the characteristics of the underlying subcontinental lithospheric mantle, Dharwar craton, India
M. Lynn, S. Joy, R. Preston
The Sr-isotope compositions of clinopyroxene megacrysts determined by ICP-MS-LA from localities across the Kaapvaal craton through the ages
D. de Bruin, E. Barton, A. Simoneti
Mineralogy and petrology of the Salitre I phoscorite-carbonatite-alkaline complex, Brazil
E.S.R. Barbosa, J.A. Brod, T.C. Junqueira-Brod, P.F.O. Cordeiro, R.V. Santos, E.L. Dantas
Diamante Brasil project
F.V. Silveira, R.S. Britto, L. Matos, D.P. Araujo
An experimental investigation of phase relations in kimberlite melts
R.C. Ogilvie-Harris, R.A. Brooker, M.J. Walter, R.S.J. Sparks
Diamondiferous megacrystal garnet and orthopyroxene from Liqhobong, Lesotho
H.E. O'Brien, A.C. Birnie, R.G. Spencer
Seitaperä Group II kimberlite/olivine lamproite: large 1200 Ma diamondiferous pipe in Kuhmo, eastern Finland
W.K. McNulty, H.E. O'Brien
Two distinct kimberlite types at the Churchill diamond project
P. Stand, A. Banas, J. Burgess, M. Baungartner
Lithospheric structure beneath the Cretaceous Orapa kimberlite field, Botswana: 4D lithosphere imaging using garnet indicator mineral chemistry
R.F. Preston, S.H. Perritt, M.H. Seller, B.A. Wyatt
Tuffisitic kimberlite from eastern Dharwar crfaton, Undraldoddi area, Raichur district, Karnataka, India
J.N. Das, M.M. Korkoppa, Fareeduddin, S. Shivanna, J.K. Srivastava, N.L. Gera
Petrology of P-5 and P-13 kimberlite from Lattavaram kimberlite cluster, Wajrakarur kimberlite field, Andhra Pradesh, India
G. Kaur, M. Korkoppa, Fareeduddin
Clinopyroxene macrocrysts in Proterozoic kimberlites from southern India
K.S. Bhaskara Rao, S.C. Patel, S. Ravi, J. Akhtar
Ilmenite macrocrysts in Proterozoic kimberlites from southern India
S.S. Nayak, S. Ravi, S.C. Patel, J. Akhtar
Diamonds from the eastern Dharwar craton, India: their physical and infrared characteristics
S. Ravi, M.V. Sufija, S.C. Patel, T. Gupta, M. Sridhar, F.V. Kaminsky, G.K. Khachatryan, S.V. Netravali
Integration of geophysical and geological data of kimberlites in Narayanapet – Maddur field, Andhra Pradesh, India
T. Vani, V. Naga Lakshmi, M.V. Ramakrishnarao, G. Randy Keller, K.V. Subbarao
The origin and modification of the sub continental lithospheric mantle of Botswana: constraints from peridotite xentoliths of the Orapa mine
T.J. Meulemans, A.M. Borst, B. Davidheiser, G.R. Davies
Origin of Archean cratons by diapiric ascent of foundered shallow residues
R.L. Rudnick, C. Herzberg
Seismic anisotropy and mantle structure of the Rae craton, central Canada, from joint interpretation of sks splitting and receiver functions
D.B. Snyder, R.G. Berman, J.-M. Kendall, M. Sanborn-Barrie
Diamond production and discoveries over the last fifteen years
A.J.A. Janse
Petrology, bulk-rock geochemistry, indicator mineral composition and zircon U-Pb geochronology of the end-Cretaceous diamondiferous Manipur orangeites, Bastar craton, central India
N.V. Chalapathi Rao, B. Lehmann, E. Belousova, D. Frei, D. Mainkar
Reconnaissance Re-Os isotope study of Indian kimberlites and lamproites: implication for their mantle source regions
N.V. Chalapathi Rao, R.A. Creaser, B. Lehmann
Evolution of the early Cretaceous alkaline Jasra complex, Shillong plateau, northeastern India
R.K. Srivastava, L. Melluso, C.M. Petrone, V. Guarino, A.K. Sinha
PGE geochemistry of diamondiferous and non-diamonidferous kimberlites from eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: implication for understanding the nature of mantle below Dharwar
P. Roy, B. Vysetti
Zircon U-Th-Pb-He double-dating of north Australian diamond fields: Ellendale (WA), Seppelt (WA) and Merlin (NT)
B.I.A. McInnes, N.J. Evans, F. Jourdan, B.J. Mcdonald, M. Danišík, J.D. Gorter, C. Mayers
Palaeoproterozoic ultramafic lamprophyres and associated carbonatites from the Mahakoshal supracrustal belt, central India: evidence for a carbonate-rich metasomatised mantle
R.K. Srivastava, G.C. Gautam
The age and localization of kimberlite magmatism in the Yakutian kimberlite province – constraints from isotope geochronology
A.P. Smelov, A.I. Zaitsev
Dynamics of kimberlite magma ascent, intrusion and eruption
R.S.J. Sparks, I. Buisman, R. Brooker, R.J. Brown, M. Field, T. Gernon, J. Kavanagh, R. Olgivie-Harris, J.C. Schumacher
Use of indicator minerals in diamond exploration: a comparison between barren and fertile kimberlites in Angola
M. Castillo-Oliver, S. Galí, A.O. Gonçalves, J.C. Melgarejo
The origin of pelletal lapilli in explosive kimberlite eruptions
T.M. Gernon, R.J. Brown, M. Tail, T.K. Hincks