About the Journal

The Extended Abstracts of the International Kimberlite Conference have long been a source of valuable scientific information on kimberlites, diamonds and Earth’s mantle. Many of these 3 to 5 page abstracts have become very well cited over time. Increasingly, it had become difficult to source copies of some of the older abstract volumes, despite on-going need to refer to them and to cite articles within them.

The purpose of this journal is to create a permanent, readily accessible and citable archive of these valuable contributions, as a record of the progress in kimberlite-related research since the instigation of the first IKC in Cape Town, 1973. Our aim is to eventually host all the abstract volumes up to and including the 11th IKC. It is possible to both download the entire abstract volume or individual articles within volumes.
Google Scholar is now tracking this journal.

The creation of this journal was funded by the University of Alberta Library and the 11th
International Kimberlite Conference via Barbara Scott Smith.
Nicole Meyer and Natasha Barrett assembled the initial  meta-data for this journal.
Graham Pearson (University of Alberta)